
Home School Literacy Link

Home School Literacy Link

"Reading and writing are skills that play a pivotal role in formatting and shaping our everyday experiences. These skills affect everything we do and accomplish in life. Studies have shown that children with a strong literacy foundation become lifelong learners, perform better in schools, develop a strong sense of self and well-being and are more likely to succeed.  Researchers are finding that the groundwork for literacy begins as early as day one–from birth."

Class on Social and Emotional Learning for Young Children

Class on Social and Emotional Learning for Young Children

"Jin-A realizes the importance of being a strong supportive community for families, amidst all the chaotic demands of modern society. 

We truly believe it takes a village to raise a child. Our program supports families with a monthly education class on early childhood development and learning.  Conveniently, during these parent sessions, child care is provided as well as refreshments!"