Graduation Pictures
Children from Ms. Cassandra, Ms. Jacquie, and Ms. Hiromi’s class will have pictures taken with and without their gowns.

Spring Festival
11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Marjorie, Ms. Cathy, Ms. Alba & Ms. Zenaida’s classes
1:00 - 2:00 Ms. Hiromi, Ms. Jacquie & Ms. Cassandra’s classes.
Parents are welcome to join their child during these times for crafts and games.

UN Celebration
We will celebrate our multicultural environment by making flags and costume accessories to parade around the playground.

Tenefly Nature Center Field Trip
Ms. Cassandra, Ms. Jacquie and Ms. Hiromi’s classes will go on a field trip to Tenefly Nature Center to learn about making apple cider and trees.

UNO Fundraiser
Help us raise money for special events by ordering from UNOs on October 13th! Eat in or Take out any time of day. Ask friends to join you and make it a fun event.

UN Celebration
We will be celebrating the cultural/ethnic backgrounds of the children in the school. Children can dress in traditional costumes. We’ll have international music and traditional games and a flag painting activity.

New & Returning Parent Orientation
Please join us on Zoom to go over orientation materials and COVID guidelines.

Open House
Looking for KG, Preschool or Toddler program for your child? Join us at 11:00 for a presentation and tour of the school.

Open House
Looking for KG, Preschool or Toddler Program for your child? Join us at 11:00 for a presentation and tour of the school.

Lunch & Learn Postponed
Bring a bag lunch to eat with your child as you learn about getting ready for Kindergarten. Be sure to register at the office ahead of time.

Open House
Thinking about KG, Preschool or Toddler care for Summer or September? Please join us at 11:00 for a presentation and a tour of the school.

Pancake Breakfast
Come celebrate Valentine’s with your family and friends with a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage and eggs.
Buy tickets at the office or online (for a small additional fee): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-pancake-breakfast-at-applebees-registration-89077225379

Pajama Day
Children and teachers are invited to wear their pajamas to school for a good cause - The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society where the donations help fund research and provide patient care. Give a contribution of $5 or more at the office or at this link:

Fabulous Friday - Water Fun
Join us for water fun on the last day of our summer program and our last Fabulous Friday!

Fabulous Friday - Multi-Ethnic Masks
Children and Parents are welcome on the Playground for singing, dancing, crafts and games.

Fabulous Friday - Animal/Pet Day
Children will be on the playground for fun games and crafts. Parents and children currently enrolled and those enrolled for September are welcome. Children should bring favorite plush animal.

Fabulous Friday - Mindfulness
Children will be on the playground for fun games and crafts related to the theme. Parents and children currently enrolled and those enrolled in September are welcome.

Traveling Near and Far
Parents and children of current and September students are welcome on the playground for games, crafts, singing and dancing.

Movement Near & Far
Children will be out on the playground together having fun with crafts and games related to the theme. Parents and children enrolled in September are welcome to join the fun.

Fabulous Friday - America the Beautiful
Join us for our first Fabulous Friday! Every Friday during our summer program, the kids enjoy a special themed day outside with crafts and games. Parents and children of children enrolled for September are also welcome. Don't miss the fun!

The Marriage Course Kick Off
Come see what it’s all about and enjoy a meal, babysitting and quality time with your spouse.

Valentine's Photo Shoot
Sign up for a Valentine Themed photo shoot during the Pancake Breakfast

Pancake Breakfast
Bring family and friends to enjoy a delicious breakfast of pancakes at Applebee’s on Rt 46.
Get tickets at the office or here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pancake-breakfast-at-applebees-registration-55764682667

Fabulous Friday - Water Fun
Children will be on playground doing art and games related to water play.

Fabulous Friday - Multi-Ethnic Masks
Children will be on playground doing art and games related to masks.

Fabulous Friday - Fruit & Veggie
Children will be on playground doing crafts and games related to natural foods.